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“Ukraine National Initiatives to Enhance Reforms” (UNITER) project (англійською мовою) Повна версія оголошення українською мовою Повна версія оголошення англійською мовою
This Annual Program Statement (APS) is a part of the “Ukraine National Initiatives to Enhance Reforms” (UNITER) project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), implemented by Pact Inc.
The primary purpose of the UNITER project is to strengthen and assist leading pro-reform Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to sustain and consolidate democratic gains. The project addresses systemic, sector-wide challenges to civil society. It supports NGO monitoring and advocacy initiatives from various spheres of public life, which are essential in advancing Ukraine’s reform process.
Under this APS, Pact, as the implementer of the UNITER, will accept concept papers from national-level NGOs (please refer to the How to Apply section of the APS). With the development of sustainable institutions and systems leading to an active and vibrant civil society, this APS aims to support NGO and citizen-led change at the national level to influence public policies and hold government accountable.
The primary purpose of this grants program is to strengthen the capacity of NGOs to engage citizens in decision-making process and influence public policies in order to accelerate the country’s transition to open and democratic political, social and economic systems.
Specifically, the current APS is intended to:
• Support development and advocacy for alternative public policies by NGOs for democratic, social and economic reforms in Ukraine.
• Strengthen NGOs to better represent citizen interests to spur the reform agenda and drive reforms by increasing citizen participation in public life.
• Build NGO networks and collaboration through exchange of information, training and joint activities.
The national-level grants are expected to:
1. Address the most imminent macro-level policies in all sectors, such as fiscal and monetary stability, government accountability, anti-corruption, constitutional and electoral reform, reform of local governance and health care, land, energy, etc.
2. Establish and strengthen national advocacy networks, such as housing coalitions, networks of health-related NGOs, anti-corruption networks, human rights NGO networks, consumer rights NGO networks and other NGO coalitions.
3. Increase collaboration across the country among like-minded counterpart institutions, for example, in the spheres of local government monitoring, local advocacy, etc.
4. Strengthen nationwide people to people contacts and civic activism in the spheres of local governance, health, environmental NGOs, religious groups and the blogosphere.
5. Increase youth participation in the policy-making processes and support networking among emerging civil society leaders throughout the country.
6. Strengthen the advocacy potential of vulnerable groups, such as women, minorities, orphans, people with disabilities, etc.
7. Initiate individual philanthropic and volunteer campaigns to encourage private voluntary contributions to civil society.
Eligibility criteria: officially registered NGOs from all regions of Ukraine, with proven experience and capacity to responsibly manage grants are encouraged to apply.
Eligible activities may include, but should not be limited to:
• Analytical work, including expert surveys and wide-scale advocacy in order to build the reform agenda and identify gaps in national policies;
• Advocacy and public awareness campaigns that lead to democratic, social and economic reforms.
• Monitoring policies for government accountability, as a tool for larger advocacy efforts.
• Joint actions of non-governmental, independent public policy institutes (think tanks) and media, encouraging exchanges of best practices and methodologies.
• NGO activities aimed at increasing overall citizen capacity for participation in national level decision making.
• Civic mobilization, which may include the use of new media and social networking tools.
How to apply?
The UNITER program requests a concept paper (not to exceed 3 pages) from all applicants as a part of this two-stage process. After reviewing the concept papers, successfully selected applicants will be invited to prepare a full proposal. All concept papers and proposals will be reviewed and assessed based on selection criteria by the independent expert committee that will make its recommendations to Pact.
Selection criteria:
· Relevance to the APS.
· Demonstrated potential for impact.
· Feasibility and sustainability.
· Availability of cost-share.
· Capacity of the organization and its proposed partners.
Preference will be given to projects that:
· Include cost-sharing from other sources (foundations, businesses, government agencies, in-kind support, etc.). It is recommended that all projects receive at least 10% in financial support (monetary or in-kind) from source(s) other than Pact.
· Are submitted jointly by think tanks and civic activist organizations involved in issue-based policy work, advocacy, public and civic education.
· Include and promote cooperation and networking between NGOs, businesses, government and media.
· Build and draw upon national and international coalitions.
· Generate and employ concrete products in conjunction with an active advocacy, media outreach and dissemination strategy, ultimately leading to perceptible changes.
Grant amount: Grants sums will vary depending on the type of project and the capacity of the applicant with the maximum annual amount of $300,000 for one organization. The average grant is expected to be $80,000.
Tentative duration of the projects: up to 24 months.
Deadline for submission of the concept paper is July 20, 2009.
Results of the first stage competition will be announced no later than August 3, 2009.
Instructions on concept paper format can be found at Pact’s website for Ukraine: www.uniter.org.ua.
Please note that:
· As part of the present competition, grants cannot be awarded to business organizations, political parties, government institutions, religious organizations or individuals;
· Research can be one of the tools but not the only objective of the application;
· The concept paper can be submitted in Ukrainian, Russian, or English languages;
· The applicants will be notified of the status of their application in written form by e-mail or post;
· Decision of the competition committee is final and cannot be subject to reconsideration;
· Submitted concept papers cannot be returned or reviewed.
Grants will not provide funding for:
· Construction or renovation of buildings and office premises;
· Organization of sports and recreational events;
· Financial investments or repayment of existing financial and other debts of the organization;
· Medical and rehabilitation services;
· Scientific research;
· Participation in academic programs abroad;
· Activities of partisan or religious nature.
All concept papers can be submitted in English, Ukrainian or Russian electronically or in hard copies, no later than July 20, 2009 at the address:
Pact Ukraine,
Subject: “APS09 – UNITER Project”
Kyiv 01004, 5b Baseyna Str, office 21/22,
or: uniter@pact.org.ua.
Contact person: Mr. Ihor Tsymbalisty
Established in 1971 as an independent international non-profit corporation, Pact is a networked global organization that builds the capacity of local leaders and institutions to meet pressing social needs by empowering communities, effective governments and responsible private institutions to give people an opportunity for a better life. Pact maintains field offices in 26 countries and implements projects in 57 countries. Pact established its Kyiv based office in 2005 implementing the Organizational Development Support (ODS) program in the Western NIS to promote increased, well-informed citizen participation in civic and community-based initiatives in the region. In 2008 it was awarded the UNITER project by USAID to strengthen civil society in Ukraine. More information at www.uniter.org.ua and www.pactworld.org. Версія для друкуЛінк на e-mail |
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